martes, 19 de junio de 2018

Photo listening

 Photo listening

We did a project with my classmates. Fist we chose 3 listenings, I chose  "Typewriter and I ' m believer" After that We paste the summaries on the poster. I like this project.

Radio Programme

Radio Programme

In this project, We did a radio programme. First we had choose one topic. I chose "animals in danger of exctincion".I learned that trere are a lot of animals in ganger of exctincion.Then we rescord all the newsI really liked this job and I found it very interesting and entertaining

Resultado de imagen de radio programme

martes, 8 de mayo de 2018

Stop motion

I had to do a project with my classmates.
In this project we had to do one video with the unit of the music.
First we had to cut words, after we had to do one video with this words.
But we did a lot of photos.

martes, 24 de abril de 2018


I had to searched three newspapers.
The first called "The beetles"
The second called "One song"
The third called "Beyoncé"
I like the first, because is very interesting

Resultado de imagen de the beatles

Song German Stauss II, Secret Garden

The first was the "German Strauss".
Was song was happy In this song was a small group of musicians and the piece changes the volume.
Its beat was very strong and the piece had percussion.
This song used different musical elements.
In my opinion, I liked this song because  is very interesting; also is very nice.

The second was Secret Garden
This song was dramatic and very sad.
The musicians played a strings instruments so an orchestra acompains them.
The melody was very important , more than other instruments
My opinion: I like thi song although produce me sadness.

Champions League

This article talked about "The Champion League".
I like depending the version.
My favourite version was the last, because its beat was nice and in my opinion is the most interesting.

Resultado de imagen de champions league

Bohemian Rhapsody and Typewriter

I did two summary.
The fist was "Bohemian Rhapsody" This article talked about one song of the band Queen.
They played rock music.
I like this song, because was very nice and interesting.

The second artcle was "Typewriter" This article was wrote by Leroy Andersen.
His music was played throughout the world.
In my opinion, I don ' t like this type of music